title and author
Une bouffée de bonheur!
written by Anne-Lise Grobéty
Une bouffée de bonheur!
written by Anne-Lise Grobéty
A story about the bullying of a girl that smells different.
A story about the bullying of a girl that smells different.
publisher Schweizerisches Jugendschriftenwerk
published in 2021
graphic design by Pascal Arnet
ISBN: 978-3-7269-0245-2
32 pages
13,5 x 21 cm, softcover
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publisher Schweizerisches Jugendschriftenwerk
published in 2021
graphic design by Pascal Arnet
ISBN: 978-3-7269-0245-2
32 pages
13,5 x 21 cm, softcover
order here ︎